Funds4LymeVictims PledgePage

This is a site where
people can donate
to support victims of lyme
and associated tick borne diseases
who need financial assistance and financial counseling
because they are unable to work
while recovering.

Currently only Christie has applied for help, but since she has been neglected and untreated for 4 years, she needs a lot of help. She had her first visit with a LLMD (Lyme Literate MD) Oct 6, 2008 and because she also has a serious yeast infection, she cannot take antibiotics yet. She needs herbals like andrographis for the lyme and oil of oregano for the yeast. Please visit her diary page for a list of herbals she needs to treat the disease. She has run out of food stamps for the month and is desperately trying to hang on so she does not have to move to Section 8 housing. Please do whatever you can to help, especially if you live near her in Oklahoma

To donate, click on the word DONATE at the upper left on this page. To pay with PayPal, go to and click on MOM BEDRIDDEN _ NEEDS MEDICINE AND MEDICAL CARE. You may also donate your operating vehicle.

To read the stories of those in need of help, click on DIARY at upper left.